Free Classes

We believe access to education should be easy and affordable. And because much of the information in Web3 is open source, we have created these free courses to give you a base layer of education in Web3 so you can be prepared to navigate the different aspects of the space. 

Many of these classes are prerequisites for the specialized courses that might require payment and/or the ownership of an NFT to get past their token gate. Upon completion of the free courses at RMM, you will also receive different amounts of "Tuition Tokens" depending on the class completed. These Tuition Tokens can be used to pay for your Admissions Application to become an official student at RMM, merch and other collectibles,  and even pay for classes if accepted by the teacher. More info on Tuition Tokens here: (click here)

To sign up for the free courses simply sign up with the Free Course Sign-Up 

Form at the bottom of this page

Web 3 Webs

Not ready to take a full course with set class times, assignments, and discussions? Take our completely free, self-guided course: Web 3 Webs to learn about the basics of Web3 that will help you start your journey! 

The information in this course will also be taught in our Pre-Requisite class: "WEB3-000" and you will be able to attempt to test-out of the class if you wish to.

Already signed up for classes? Visit the Free Class Hallway using the link below:

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